Contiguous Acre Inch Calculator
Total Contiguous Acres Irrigated Acres within Contiguous
Acres Acres
Enter information in white boxes to calculate the Maximum Inches/ Irr. Acre Allowed.
Prior Years Bankable Water HPWD Contiguous In./Ac. Limit Maximum In./Irr. Acre Allowed
Contiguous Acre (Inches/Acre)
Inches 18 Inches
Leave 0 if none
Allocation Calculator for Systems within Contiguous Acres
Pumping times based on inches of irrigation within pumping restrictions
Please enter information below in white input boxes for all Irrigated Systems within the Total Contiguous Acres (top).
Acre entry for Irrigated Acres within Contiguous (top) must match Total Irrigated Acres (bottom tally).
Total Inches/ Irr. Acre Applied (bottom tally) must not exceed Maximum Inches/Irr. Acre Allowed (top).
Enter # Systems in Irrig Acres
Systems Click Calculate to update after entry
Or Reset to clear and start over
Irrigation System 1 Acres in System (Zone/Pivot) Target Inches Desired for Year
GPM Acres Inches
Hours to Pump Target Inches Days to Pump Target Inches
Hours Days
Irrigation System 2 Acres in System (Zone/Pivot) Target Inches Desired for Year
GPM Acres Inches
Hours to Pump Target Inches Days to Pump Target Inches
Hours Days
Irrigation System 3 Acres in System (Zone/Pivot) Target Inches Desired for Year
GPM Acres Inches
Hours to Pump Target Inches Days to Pump Target Inches
Hours Days
Irrigation System 4 Acres in System (Zone/Pivot) Target Inches Desired for Year
GPM Acres Inches
Hours to Pump Target Inches Days to Pump Target Inches
Hours Days
Irrigation System 5 Acres in System (Zone/Pivot) Target Inches Desired for Year
GPM Acres Inches
Hours to Pump Target Inches Days to Pump Target Inches
Hours Days
Total Irrigated Acres Total Inches/Irr. Acre Applied
Acres Inches
of….Total of….Total
Bankable Water/Contig. Ac.
Inches Inches